The Cut the Rope series, also known as the Om Nom series, is a series of physics-based puzzles by ZeptoLab. The mechanics of the games is based on cutting ropes and delivering the candy to a nice creature called Om Nom. The main installment in the series, Cut the Rope, was released in October 2010. Since then, five sequels have been released: Cut the Rope: Experiments, Cut the Rope: Holiday Gift (a Christmas special), Cut the Rope: Time Travel, Cut the Rope 2 which introduced us to a new cast the Nommies. And Cut the Rope: Magic. There was also a special game Cut the Rope: Triple Treat for Nintendo 3DS which included levels from Cut the Rope, Cut the Rope: Experiments and Cut the Rope 2. The franchise has also spawned comics, a series of animated shorts, with an app , an Apptivity game, a virtual pet game and a range of toys. In December 2019 and January 2020 two new games were released Om Nom: Merge and Om Nom: Run