Cut the Rope Wiki

This is a gallery page for Cut the Rope 2 article. It includes all the media with #OmNomIsMissing tag, which was shown in Cut the Rope Facebook page, and was published by ZeptoLab in the last month prior to release of Cut the Rope 2 on December 19th, 2013.

Cut the Rope 2
Main article | Gallery | Credits
Characters Nommies (Blue, Boo, Ginger, Lick, Roto, Snailbrow, Toss) | Om Nom | Spider
Locations Forest | Sandy Dam | Junkyard | City Park | Underground | Fruit Market | Bakery
Obstacles Air cushion | Balloon | Button | Candy | Magnet | Rope | Star | Water | Wood
Power-ups Balloon | Bomb^ | Candy Rain* | Hint | Magnet^ | Teleporter^
Other Challenge (Fruit Challenge^, Star Challenge, Time Challenge) | Clover | Customization
*Exclusive to the paid iOS version
^Exclusive to the free-to-play version